Move in and move-out

Approaching Move-In Date Notification:
You will receive an email notification about your upcoming move-in date, including specific instructions on getting there and getting into the Urban Shared Space space.

Start Date and Handover of Accommodation:
The start date of the Renters Terms is considered the date of the physical handover of the accommodation. The time for taking over the accommodation from the host varies but is always detailed in the reservation details on

Arranging Early or Late Arrival:
If you need to arrange an earlier or later arrival time, please contact your host directly to negotiate an individual agreement. You can hand over the accommodation earlier or later, even on a different day. Moving in earlier may result in additional rent charges, which should be managed by amending the Renters Terms.

Communication with the Host:
Contacting the host via the Inbox section regarding the handover details is crucial. This ensures that we can provide you with sufficient legal support in case of any complications. Once the Renters Terms signing process is successfully completed, you can directly arrange the handover details with your new host.

If the Host Isn’t Communicating:
If the host isn’t responding, give them some more time. If there is no response after several hours or even days, try contacting them by phone using the phone number on the right side in the reservation details. Our Customer support team is ready to assist you if you still encounter issues.

Before the Handover:
Before the handover, it is advisable to review the Renters Terms, and the General Terms. Ensure you have your host’s phone number and email.

Handover Protocol Signing:
In addition to physically receiving the keys/door-code, you will also sign a handover protocol, which is a crucial part of a proper handover. It may occur that the host forgets about the protocol and does not ask you to sign it. In this case, we strongly recommend that you insist on signing this document in your own interest. Don't hesitate to remind the host about this step and ensure that it is completed.

Details in the Handover Protocol:
The protocol should include a record of the condition of the accommodation at the time of handover, noting any defects. It is advisable to take pictures of the accommodation as it is handed over and include all pertinent details you wish recorded in the handover protocol. This serves as a precaution in case of unforeseen events and simplifies the resolution of potential disagreements for both parties.

Confirming a Smooth Handover:
If the accommodation matches the presentation at the time of the booking request and you receive the keys/code along with the signed handover protocol, it can be assumed there was a smooth handover.

Accommodation Not as Described:
It may happen that the Urban Shared Space space does not match the listing description on (for example, there are fewer beds than indicated in the photos, virtual tour, or description).

If a significant discrepancy impedes or makes it impossible to stay in the accommodation, you have the right to refuse to take over the space and withdraw from the Renters Terms.

Accommodation is Very Dirty:
Generally, suppose the accommodation is in a deplorable state of cleanliness. In that case, we recommend that you refrain from proceeding with the handover and treat the situation as if the accommodation does not correspond to the listing description. Ask the host to do a thorough cleaning or give you another room. Documenting the issues with photos is crucial as it provides concrete evidence of the situation.

First, try to negotiate with the host. If that does not work, contact the Customer Support team at and provide the evidence. We will help you with the next steps.

Preparing for Move-Out:
As your move-out date approaches, you are required to restore the accommodation to the condition in which you received it from the host. This usually involves general cleaning and ensuring all personal belongings, especially valuable items like personal documents, money, and electronics, are packed up.

We recommend that you take extra care when cleaning the accommodation and aim to return it in the same condition, or better, than when you moved in. Some hosts might not want you to do the cleaning yourself, and have charged (or not) for a professional cleaner.

Tip for Leftover Supplies:
If you have accumulated staples like flour, pasta, and salt during your stay, it's your choice whether to leave them in the kitchen for the next residents or to dispose of them. We suggest leaving only full or slightly used packages of non-perishable items and discarding any liquids.

Arranging Move-Out Times:
The specific time for returning the accommodation to the host is detailed in the reservation details. If you need to negotiate an earlier or later departure, please contact your host to discuss an individual agreement.

Documenting the Accommodation Condition:
Before handing over the accommodation, document its condition with photos to ensure that all details are recorded. The handover should be done in person. Remember to sign the takeover protocol, which is crucial for a smooth handover. If the host overlooks this step, remind them and insist on its completion to avoid any misunderstandings.